Press Briefings (Reports)

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For foreign journalists, FPCJ holds press briefings on important topics that help them understand the current Japan. This page shows past briefings.

Check Press Briefings (Notices), which has information sent to journalists prior to the briefing.


November 29, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): How will Japan’s Agricultur​e be changed by Japan’s New Policy and TPP? (November 29, 2013)

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November 15, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): Toward the COP19 (November 15, 2013)

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November 14, 2013

Report (Press Briefing): “White Paper on Crime 2013”

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November 13, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): Radioactivity and the Safety of Fishery Products (November 13, 2013)

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November 6, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): Japan’s Energy Problem (November 6, 2013)

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October 10, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): Abenomics and Outlook for the Japanese Economy (October 10, 2013)

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October 8, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): Right to Collective Self-Defense (October 8, 2013)

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October 1, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): Challenge of Epsilon rocket (October 1, 2013)

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September 24, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): What caused extreme warmth and rainfall over Japan in summer 2013? (September 24, 2013)

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September 19, 2013

Report (Press Briefing): “Diplomatic Conference and the Preparatory Meeting on the Minamata Convention on Mercury,” and the “First Asia Parks Congress” 

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September 18, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): Youth Employment Problems (September 18, 2013)

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August 9, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): Press Briefing by the Chairman of the National Council on Social Security System Reform (August 9, 2013)

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August 8, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): Japan’s East-Asia Diplomacy (August 8, 2013)

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July 17, 2013

Report: Prospect of Abe Administra​tion after Upper House Election (July 17, 2013)

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July 4, 2013

Report :Press Conference by the Chairman of the Nuclear Regulation Authority (July 4, 2013)

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July 3, 2013

Report: Simultaneous Interpretation Service for the Debate of the Political Leaders (July 3, 2013)

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July 1, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): Lifting ban on the Internet election campaigning (July 1, 2013)

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June 28, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): Registration of Mt. Fuji as a World Heritage site (June 28, 2013)

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June 25, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): “Abeducatio​n”: Press Conference by Mr. Hakubun Shimomura, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (June 25, 2013)

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June 21, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): “Japan is Back”: Press Conference by Mr. Akira Amari, Minister for Economic Revitaliza​tion (June 21, 2013)

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June 13, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): The G8 Lough Erne Summit (June 13, 2013)

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May 30, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): How Will Japan Change When it Joins the TPP? (May 30, 2013)

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May 29, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): Toward the TICAD V (May 29, 2013)

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May 14, 2013

Report (Press Briefing): Outcome of the 15th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting among Japan, Korea and China (May 14, 2013)

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May 10, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): Womenomics: Trump Card for Japan’s Resurrection (May 10, 2013)

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April 26, 2013

Report (Press Briefing): The Impending Visit of Prime Minister Abe to the Middle East (April 26, 2013)

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April 19, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): Population Projections for Japan in 2040 (April 19, 2013)

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April 19, 2013

Report: Simultaneous Interpretation Service for the Press Conference of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (April 19, 2013)

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April 8, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): Current Situation of North Korea (April 8, 2013)

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March 27, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): Three Territorial Issues in North East Asia (March 27, 2013)

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March 5, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): Now and Future: Looking at Fukushima (March 5, 2013)

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February 21, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): Marking Two Years after the Quake —Potentials of Architecture and Art: How They Can Commit to and What They Can Do for Reconstruction and Revival of Japan (February 21, 2013)

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February 19, 2013

Report (Press Briefing): Abenomics and Outlook for Japanese Economy (February 19, 2013)

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February 15, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): Health Risk after Fukushima Daiichi NPP Accident (February 15, 2013)

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February 12, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): Press Conference on the Implementation of the Nuclear Test by North Korea (February 12, 2013)

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January 8, 2013

Video Report (Press Briefing): Japan’s Foreign Policy under the Abe Administration (January 8, 2013)

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