Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society(RISTEX)
RISTEX FY2019 International Symposium(November 1, 2019)
R&D Area for Designing a Sustainable Society through Intergenerational Co-creation
FY2019 International Symposium
Creating a Sustainable Society through
Multiple Generations and Diverse Individuals:
Passing on our Nature, Culture and Wishes to Future Generations
-Date: Friday, November 1, 2019, 13:00 – 17:30 (Open: 12:30)
-Venue: 5F Akiba Hall, Fujisoft Akiba Plaza (3 Kanda-Neribeicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
-Organizer: R&D Area for “Designing a Sustainable Society through Intergenerational Co-creation”, Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society (RISTEX), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
-Language: Japanese / English
*Japanese-English simultaneous interpretation available
-Registration Fee: Free
-Registration and Details: https://www.jst.go.jp/ristex/i-gene/en/topics/20191101.html
SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) set by the United Nations in 2015 are goals that both developed and developing countries will strive to achieve. With an aging population and low birth rate, Japan faces many issues such as fiscal deficit, environmental issues, depopulation in rural areas and increased risks of natural disasters, some of which have to be tackled ahead of other countries.
While a range of approaches may be taken to address issues that threaten sustainability of cities and communities, our research area has focused on developing a methodology for multiple generations and a diverse range of individuals to work together on these issues (Intergenerational Co-creation).
“Intergenerational” includes generations of the past and future, and not necessarily those living in the present. While people tend to possess a decreased recognition that they are the generation responsible for “now,” we have discovered that intergenerational efforts can lay a foundation for cooperation in local communities and be potential sources of a new concept of “wealth” while economic growth is approaching saturation.
We will also introduce cases of intergenerational co-creation in other countries by inviting guests from abroad and provide a global overview on accomplishments on intergenerational co-creation.
-Opening Remarks
Dr. Akira Morita, Director-General (JST-RISTEX)
-Project Presentation 1
“Distributed Rainwater Management for a Sustainable Well-being Society”
Dr. Yukihiro Shimatani, Professor (Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University)
-Project Presentation 2
“Ensuring Sustainability at Local Government Level through Promoting Implementation of Multigenerational Participatory Stock Management Methods”
Dr. Hidefumi Kurasaka, Professor (Graduate School of Social Sciences, Chiba University)
-Project Presentation 3
“Restoring a Beautiful and Rich Inner Bay through ‘Fish Local, Eat Local’”
Dr. Koji Otsuka, Professor (Graduate School of Humanities and Sustainable System Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University)
-Case Study on Intergenerational Co-creation Overseas 1:
“Multi-Generational Centers in Germany - Experiences from a Federal Program to Support Municipalities in Responding to Demographic Change”
Dr. Nikola Ornig, Head of Department (InterVal GmbH, Germany)
-Case Study on Intergenerational Co-creation Overseas 2:
“Promoting Intergenerational Bonding in Asia”
Mr. Quyen Ngoc Tran, Regional Programme Adviser (HelpAge International Asia Pacific Regional Office, Thailand)
-Summary of Overall Area
Dr. Takashi Omori, Area Director (Former Chair of Economic Committee, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation and Former Professor of Osaka University)
-Panel Discussion
“Exploring the possibilities of Intergenerational Co-creation -How Can Multiple Generations and Diverse Individuals Coordinate to Create a Sustainable Society?”
Coordinator: Dr. Takashi Omori, Area Director ( see above )
- Dr. Nikola Ornig, Head of Department (InterVal GmbH, Germany)
- Ms. Thuy Bich Tran, Country Director (HelpAge International, Vietnam)
- Dr. Yukihiro Shimatani, Professor (Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University) (Shimatani Project)
- Dr. Emiko Ban, Senior Researcher (Keio Research Institute at SFC) (Watanabe Project)
- Mr. Kiyoaki Murakami, Area Advisor (Senior Research Fellow, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.)
-Closing Remarks
Dr. Takashi Omori, Area Director ( see above )
"Designing a Sustainable Society through Intergenerational Co-creation" R&D Focus Area,
Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society(RISTEX),
Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST)
E-mail: i-gene.info@jst.go.jp