Date : September 12 - 14, 2016
News Reports by Participants: Kyushu (Kumamoto and Kagoshima) Press Tour
post date : 2016.10.28
Click here for further details on the tour
Click here for the tour report
Below are some of the articles and programs produced by the journalists based on this press tour.
The Hankyoreh (South Korea/Newspaper)
[Article 1] September 13, 2016
Title: “지진 없을 거라 자신했는데 강진 발생 국가는 예상 못한 사태에도 대비해야”
[Article 2] 2016年9月19日
Title: 일 정부, ‘지진 재기’ 발빠른 대응 5개월만에 이재민 주거문제 해결
China Times (Taiwan/Newpaper)
[Article 1] September 22, 2016
Title: 受創熊本城遊客已回流 天守閣2019年以前重建
Market Daily Commercial Times (Taiwan/Newspaper)
[Article 1] October 2, 2016
Title: 九州走出震災陰霾
[Article 2] October 16, 2016
Title: 鹿兒島的火山產業
The Central News Agency (Taiwan/News Agency)
[Article 1] October 14, 2016
Title: 熊本震後半年 組合屋計畫9成蓋好
The Xinhua News Agency (China / News Agency)
[Article 1] September 23, 2016
Title: 熊本熊助力熊本震后复兴
[Article 2] September 21, 2016
Title: 走进“日本夏威夷” 体验九州指宿的沙浴之趣
[Article 3] September 26, 2016
Title: 与火山共生 探访熊本阿苏地区陶艺家的艺术世界
China Radio International (China / Radio)
[Article 1] October 7, 2016
Title: 熊本县知事呼吁游客前来:观光是最好的志愿者活动
[Article 2] October 9, 2016
Title: 日本熊本地震灾区重建工作进展缓慢
USA Today (USA / Newspaper)
[Article 1] September 23, 2016
Title: Even in earthquake-ready Japan, victims struggle to recover
Il Sore 24 Ore (Italy / Newspaper)
[Article 1] September 20, 2016
Title: Terremoto: lezioni giapponesi tra luci e ombre. Inchiesta nel Kyushu a cinque mesi dal sisma
[Article 2 & Video 1] September 20, 2016
Title: Terremoto: lezioni giapponesi tra luci e ombre
[Article 3 & Video 2] September 19, 2016
Title: Kumamoto: terremoto sul castello dell'«Ultimo Samurai»
[Article 4 & Video 3] October 28, 2016
Title: Satsuma Shochu, la bevanda alcolica nazionale che viene dalla patata dolce
DPA (German Press Agency) (Germany / News Agency)
[Article 1] September 16, 2016
Title: «Wir machen es noch besser»: Japanische Erdbebenregion geht Aufbau an
[Article 2] September 16, 2016
Title: Das Geschäft mit der Katastrophe – wer verdient Geld bei Erdbeben?