Date : November 12 - 13, 2015
Report on Japan: Niigata Press Tour
post date : 2016.03.14
This press tour to Niigata City was sponsored by Niigata City and planned and operated by the FPCJ.
The tour covered farmers’ initiatives for large-scale operations and diversification, and efforts by local companies to promote rice and sake in overseas markets. Eleven journalists participated, from the following seven countries and regions: the USA, France, Switzerland, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Vietnam.
- More details on the tour available here
- Reports on the tour available here
- Click here for a log of real-time updates from during the tour
Below are some of the articles and programs produced by the journalists based on this press tour.
USA Today(USA/Newspaper)
[Article 1] November 19, 2015
Japanese sake rides an export boom to USA
[Article 2] November 25, 2015
Japan struggles to save shrinking, aging agriculture industry
Neue Zürcher Zeitung(Switzerland/Newspaper)
[Article] January 6, 2016
Japanische Bauern im Versuchslaslabor
Farmers Weekly(New Zealand/Newspaper)
[Article] January 5, 2016
Sixth industry gives growers more
The Central News Agency(Taiwan/News Agency)
[Article] November 18, 2015
日本型農與企業合作 賣飯糰有顏面
[Article] November 18, 2015
日本青農 超商飯糰「露臉」
Korea Joongang Daily (Korea/Newspaper)
[Article] March 7, 2016
삼각김밥전용농장, 드론 택배 특구…아베 ‘규제 프리’ 실험
Vietnam Television(Vietnam/TV)
[Video 1] November 18, 2015
Nhật Bản: đặc khu nông nghiệp Niigata
[Video 2] November 23, 2015
Nhật Bản: Công viên nông nghiệp Agri
※from 16:23
[Video 3] December 5, 2015
Nhật Bản: viên gỗ nén trong sản xuất nông nghiệp