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Date : February 8, 2024

Video Report: Outlook for the Japanese Economy in 2024 (Mr. Hideo Kumano, Chief Economist, Economic Research Department, Dai-ichi Life Research Institute)

post date : 2024.02.08

The Japanese economy has been slowly recovering thanks to the resumption of economic activity after the pandemic. Since the beginning of 2024, Japanese stock markets have been performing well, and there are growing hopes that this year, the Japanese economy will create a virtuous cycle of rising prices and wage increases, and that the year may mark the start to an exit strategy from the monetary easing policy of a “different dimension,” including the negative interest rate policy. With questions of whether the Bank of Japan will be able to meet its price stability target of 2%, and whether deflation will be put to an end, this year is likely to be extremely important for the Japanese economy.


The FPCJ has invited Mr. Hideo Kumano, Chief Economist of the Dai-ichi Life Research Institute Economic Research Department, to discuss the outlook for the Japanese economy in 2024, including issues and prospects for the Japanese economy, movements towards changes in the Bank of Japan’s monetary policy, and the effects of the global economy.


The briefing was attended by journalists from US, France, Germany, Denmark, Singapore, Hong Kong and Brazil.


■Date: Feb 8 (Thu), 2024, 14:00-15:30 

■Theme: Outlook for the Japanese Economy in 2024

■Briefer: Mr. Hideo Kumano, Chief Economist, Economic Research Department, Dai-ichi Life Research Institute

■Language: Japanese, with consecutive English interpretation



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