Tokyo Media Center announces “TMC Talks” speakers – How will the future of Tokyo be told? Register now!
Press release
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The Tokyo Media Center (TMC), which supports media outlets around the world in their coverage of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, will be hosting a series of online talks called “TMC Talks”, given by experts and Governor Koike almost every day during the Games.
Accredited TMC members can submit questions for the speakers (except for some talks).
A number of speakers have been selected to discuss the future of Tokyo, and we would like to share some of them with you in advance.
◆◆◆ "TMC Talks" speakers (partial list) ◆◆◆◆
・KOIKE Yuriko, Governor of Tokyo
・Ms. Kathy Matsui, General Partner, MPower Partners
・Ms. MURAKAMI Yumiko, General Partner, MPower Partners
・Ms. IMOTO Naoko, Olympian
・Mr. Robert Campbell, Japanese literature scholar
・Mr. HOSHINO Yoshiharu, CEO, Hoshino Resorts Inc.
・Mr. Ross Rowbury, Principal 3i Consulting
In order to watch TMC Talks, you need to register with TMC. Register Now!
■Media Registration
1) Access TMC’s registration page at https://tokyo.mediacenter.jp/?modal=register
2) Submit your name and email for Account Registration.
3) Register your ID and proof of employment with the Accreditation Application at https://tokyo.mediacenter.jp/login/
Benefits of TMC Online Service
1) TMC Web will be your home for various information during the Games, including photos, videos, data regarding Tokyo and more.
2) TMC Newsletters will update you twice a day with what’s happening in Tokyo during the Games.
3) TMC Briefings will live-stream daily briefings from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. You can cast questions to the officials. They are scheduled from 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm, Japan Standard Time (JST), from July 23 to August 8 and from August 24 to September 5, 2021.
4) TMC Talks will video-stream daily live presentations and recorded messages by Governor Koike and/or global leaders from various fields such as sports, culture and urban development. The main theme will be the future of Tokyo. You can cast questions to speakers via online tools. More details about TMC Talks will be announced soon. They are scheduled from 2:00 pm to 2:40 pm, JST, from July 21 to August 8 and from August 23 to September 5, 2021.
5) TMC Online Concierge will answer your questions and provide consultations about Tokyo-related coverage and photography. It will be available between 8:00 am and 10:00 pm, JST, from July 21 to August 8 and from August 23 to September 5, 2021.
We are looking forward to serving you soon!
[About the Tokyo Media Center (TMC)]
The Tokyo Media Center (TMC) has been set up by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to serve as a media coverage base for domestic and international media during the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020. TMC provides information related to the host city Tokyo as well as the Tokyo 2020 Games. It is totally separate from the Main Press Centre (MPC) and International Broadcast Centre (IBC), which are operated by the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee.
▮ Website
URL: https://tokyo.mediacenter.jp/
▮ Facilities
Date and Time of Opening:
Wednesday, July 21, 2021 to Monday, August 9, 8:00 am to 10:00 pm, JST
Monday, August 23, 2021 to Sunday, September 5, 8:00 am to 10:00 pm, JST
*A pre-opening is scheduled on Monday, July 19 and Tuesday, July 20.
Tokyo Sports Square, 2nd and 3rd Floor (address: 3-8-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
1 minute walk from JR Yurakucho Station and Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Station
[Workspace and lounge]
Approximately 120 seats available to create a work environment for journalists.
A drink corner offering refreshments will also be provided.
[Information Desk]
Staff will respond to inquiries regarding facilities usage. Upon first entrance, guests will receive a media kit which includes complimentary Tokyo-related giveaways.
[Japan Showcase]
The Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) will have booths to promote Japan’s various regions and traditional culture.
[Japanese Liquors Booth]
The National Tax Agency (NTA) will have a booth to introduce Japanese liquors.
[Internet Connection]
Wi-Fi available for use by registered members.
*Detailed information such as COVID-19 countermeasures and how to enter the facilities will be periodically updated on the TMC website and TMC Briefings.
▮ About Media Center Registration
Tokyo Media Center Management Office
Email: inquiry@tokyo.mediacenter.jp
▮ Other Inquiries Regarding the TMC
Tokyo 2020 Media Center,
Policy Coordination Section, Policy Coordination Division,
Office of the Governor for Policy Planning,
Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Email: tokyo_media_center@section.metro.tokyo.jp
Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) launched a new media platform to show the world the ever-changing face of Tokyo now and the future in May 2021. This platform features content such as articles which focus on the attractions of Tokyo and the people who live, study, and work in the city. Please be sure to check it out.
URL: https://www.tokyoupdates.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/en/
Photo (from left)
1_KOIKE Yuriko, Governor of Tokyo
2_Ms. Kathy Matsui, General Partner, MPower Partners
3_Ms. MURAKAMI Yumiko, General Partner, MPower Partners
4_Ms. IMOTO Naoko, Olympian
5_Mr. Robert Campbell, Japanese literature scholar
6_Mr. HOSHINO Yoshiharu, CEO, Hoshino Resorts Inc.
7_Mr. Ross Rowbury, Principal 3i Consulting