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Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG)

[TMG] Publication of the comprehensive report on Tokyo iCDC activities from October 1, 2020 -Toward the Realization of a Resilient Tokyo, a city highly prepared for Infectious Diseases-


On October 1, 2020, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government launched the Tokyo Center for Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control (Tokyo iCDC) as a new center for integrated infectious disease countermeasures. Based on the knowledge and experience of the expert board, we have been working on countermeasures against COVID19.
This report summarizes the efforts of the Tokyo iCDC over the past three years. By applying this valuable knowledge and experience to future countermeasures against infectious diseases in general, we will protect the lives and health of Tokyo residents, make Tokyo a city that is resilient to infectious diseases, and realize a "Sustainable Recovery".

"Tokyo iCDC: The expertise that supported Tokyo's COVID-19 response
- A new system adopted by Tokyo to address the threat of infectious diseases -"

Message from Dr. KAKU Mitsuo, the Director of Tokyo iCDC

Infectious diseases put all of society at risk. We couldsay that responding to infectious diseases by having society as a whole build a network will be the mostpowerful vaccine (a human vaccine). Tokyo iCDC will continue to support the Tokyo Metropolitan Governmentand the people of Tokyo from an expert perspective.

Tokyo iCDC Secretariat
Survey and Analysis Section, Infectious Disease Control Division, Bureau of Public Health, Tokyo Metropolitan Government

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