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Tokyo Metropolitan Government

Production of the Concept Movie, “Tokyo Parasports Month”: Para Sports x Tokyo of the Future


We are pleased to announce the production of the concept movie “Tokyo Parasports Month.” The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has designated August and September, the months when the Paralympic Games were held, as “Tokyo Parasports Month,” and will implement various Para sports initiatives to further promote the Para sports movement.

1.  Overview
- Review highlights of Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games
- Social changes brought on by the Games (appearance of athletes who competed in the Games)
- Image of the future ideal Tokyo aimed for through Para sports

2.  Guest athletes and their results in Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games
- TANI Mami, Triathlon
Paralympian Women's Individual PTS5
- KIMURA Keiichi, Swimming
Gold medalist, Men’s 100 m Butterfly S11
Silver medalist, Men’s 100 m Breaststroke SB11
Diploma, Men’s 200 m Individual Medley SM11

3.  Details
“Tokyo Parasports Month” Concept Movie
Full edition: 130 seconds
- English
Sounds: Japanese, subtitles: English
- Japanese
Sounds: Japanese, subtitles: Japanese

- Special Website:
(Japanese only)

We plan to post the concept movie on the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Official Video Channel “Tokyo Douga”, SNS, and digital signages at the Tokyo Metropolitan facilities, etc.

Parasports Section
Comprehensive Sports Promotion Division
Tokyo Metropolitan Government
TEL: 03-5388-2496

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