Press Tours (Reports)

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Date : July 25 - 26, 2016

News Reports by Participants: Oita Prefecture Press Tour

post date : 2016.09.20

The FPCJ held a press tour to Oita Prefecture, covering the current state of recovery from the Kumamoto earthquakes in April and their impact on tourism. The tour also covered the largest geothermal plant in Japan, the local lumber industry, and 300-year-old traditional pottery techniques. This press tour was sponsored by Oita Prefecture, and planned and operated by the FPCJ. A total of 10 journalists participated, from China, Denmark, Germany, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan.


Click here for further details on the tour

Click here for the tour report 


Below are some of the articles and programs produced by the journalists based on this press tour.


Seoul Shinmun (Korea/Newspaper)

[Article 1] August 6, 2016

오이타현 땅의 역발상 4381개 온천, 電 뿜다


[Article 2] August 6, 2016

히로세 가쓰사다 오이타현 지사“에코그린에너지 지역발전의활력”


[Article 3] August 23, 2016

조선의 도예혼・소박한 멋・・・ 60가구 日마을에 年4만명북적


[Article 4] August 23, 2016

“전통잇겠다”10년 직장 그만두고 ‘하이힐 게다’ 등 현대화


[Article 5] August 23, 2016

‘산과 물의 도시’ 히타市는 삼나무등삼림83% 목재가공단지 ‘2만평’



Seoul Broadcasting System (Korea/TV)

[Video] August 5, 2016

日 화산 공포를 친환경 에너지로…매력적 기술



Mediacorp (Singapore/TV

[Video 1] August 21, 2016

Visitors return to resort town in south Japan after major earthquake


[Video 2] September 11, 2016

After Fukushima, Japan turns to geothermal power for energy



Kristeligt Dagblad (Denmark/Newspaper)

[Article] September 13, 2016

Keramik som for 300 år siden

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