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Date : January 20, 2017

News Reports by Participants: Wakabadai Apartment Complex Press Tour

post date : 2017.03.28

The tour visited Wakabadai Danchi [apartment complex], located in Asahi ward in the northwest of Yokohama, and covered a large-scale apartment complex dealing with population decline and super-aging and its initiatives to make the danchi appealing to young residents. These initiatives are being worked on together by residents, NPOS, the management company, and the local government.


This tour was sponsored by Yokohama City, with planning cooperation by the FPCJ. Twelve journalists from eleven media outlets participated in the tour, from China, Taiwan, South Korea, the UAE, England, France, Denmark and the USA.



Click here for further details on the tour 

Click here for the tour report
Click here for a log of real-time updates from during the tour



Asia Today  (South Korea / Newspaper)

Article January 27, 2017  

Title: 건물도 주민도 나이든 일본 아파트, 독거사 제로에 도전



SBS (South Korea / TV)
Video February 11, 2017 

Title: """인구 감소·노령화 막아라""…日 '공동체 강화' 실험




Europe 1  (France / Radio)
Sound  February 24, 2017  

Title:  Le Japon, son 3ème… son 4ème… son 5ème âge !!



Kristeligt Dagblad(Denmark/ Newspaper)
Article April 3, 2017

Title: Japanske kvinder skaber liv i anonym boligblok: Det er usundt for ældre at spise alene

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