Date : October 17 - 18, 2013
Reports on Japan:Kitakyushu Press Tour “First Model City for Green Growth in Asia”
post date : 2014.01.16
The Kitakyushu Press Tour was co-hosted by Kitakyushu City, OECD Tokyo Centre, and FPCJ.
This tour had ten journalists from the US, China, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and Arab countries.
In this page, we will introduce some of articles and programs produced by the journalists based on the press tour.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung(Germany/Newspaper, WEB)
November 12, 2013
Japaner planen Toilettenrevolution in Europa
JAPAN GTAI (Germany/Magazine, WEB)
November/December 2013
Japans Kitakyushu setzt auf "grünes" Wachstum
Il Sole 24 ORE (Italy/ TV, Video)
November 14, 2013
Per il World Toilet Day la giapponese Toto presenta la motocicletta che va a biomasse
Neue Zürcher Zeitung (Swiss/Newspaper, WEB)
November 14, 2013
Japans Vorzeigestadt für grünes Wachstum