Fellowship Program (Reports)

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Date : March 11 - 17, 2018

Fellowship Program: USA, The Detroit News, Mr. Nolan Finley, editorial page editor

post date : 2018.04.19


As part of the 2017-2018 FPCJ Fellowship Program, Mr. Nolan Finley, editorial page editor for The Detroit News, visited Japan from March 11 to March 17, 2018.


During the fellowship, Mr. Finley covered four themes: autonomous driving technology and mobility, security issues (Japan-US alliance, response to North Korea), trade issues (impact of the US pulling out of the TPP), and Okinawa (visiting the site of a WWII battle, as well as interviewing a war historian, a former soldier, and others).


For his story on autonomous driving technology, Mr. Finley spoke with members of Toyota Motor Corporation and of startup companies, as well as with researchers, about the current state and the future of autonomous driving. On the topics of security and trade issues, he spoke with officials from the relevant government agencies, as well as speaking with experts on the subjects.


As Mr. Finley’s father served in the American military during the Battle of Okinawa, Mr. Finley was very interested in reporting on Okinawa, where he visited the Peace Memorial Museum and the site of a battle. He spoke with a peace volunteer the same age as him whose father and uncle had also been in the Japanese military during World War II, asking about the experiences of the volunteer’s family during the Battle of Okinawa, and what their fathers might think of their sons having a discussion at the site of a fierce battle. Afterwards, Mr. Finley commented on how wonderful the guide was, and on his intention to write an article based on his time in Okinawa. The article was published on March 28, 2018 (available at the first link below).


*Articles written based on this fellowship program can be read from the links below.

1. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/opinion/2018/03/28/finley-father-war-okinawa-japan/33365895/


2. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/opinion/columnists/nolan-finley/2018/03/21/finley-japan-intersection-trade-security/33162299/

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