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Date : November 27, 2020

Video report: Asteroid Explorer Hayabusa2 Returns to Earth in World First Accomplishment (Dr. Makoto Yoshikawa, Mission Manager, Hayabusa2 Project Team)

post date : 2020.11.30

The asteroid explorer Hayabusa2, which was launched in 2014, is returning to Earth with samples collected from the asteroid Ryugu. This historical achievement will take place on December 6, with the world watching. The mission has already carried out numerous world firsts at the asteroid Ryugu, such as exploring the surface of a small celestial body with rovers and accessing sub-surface materials of a celestial body outside of Earth’s orbit. The JAXA recovery team is heading to southern Australia, where the capsule with the samples in it is expected to land, to recover the capsule.


The FPCJ invited Dr. Makoto Yoshikawa, the mission manager for the project and an associate professor at the JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, to hold a last-minute press briefing in advance of the Hayabusa2 passing by Earth, explaining the preparations underway to recovery the sample capsule, and the mysteries that will be solved with future research.

The briefing had a total of 23 participants including journalists from France, Germany, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, and the US.



■Date: November 27 (Fri), 2020, 13:30-14:30

■Briefer: Dr. Makoto Yoshikawa, Mission Manager, Hayabusa2 Project Team

■Language: Japanese, with consecutive English interpretation


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