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Date : August 27, 2015

Video Report (Press Briefing): Work-Life Balance Will Change Japanese Society

post date : 2015.09.16

As creating an environment where it is possible to both work and raise a child at the same time becomes an urgent need, work-life balance initiatives are gaining purchase in companies and government agencies. The national government is also aiming to fundamentally reform systems and common practices related to how men and women work, in order to encourage active participation of women in the workforce.


Just ahead of the World Assembly for Women in Tokyo (WAW! 2015, hosted by the Government of Japan), the FPCJ invited Ms. Yoshie Komuro, President of Work-Life Balance Co., Ltd., to speak about the current state of work-life balance in Japan, its issues, and proposals for improvements.


The briefing had a total of 24 participants, including 9 journalists from Austria, France, the U.S., Taiwan, etc., and 9 embassy representatives.



[Material distributed at the press briefing]

Work-Life Balance Will Change Japanese Society


Please note that only a portion of the material used in the briefing has been made available.
For those who wish to have more detail about the press briefing by Ms. Komuro, please contact Work-Life Balance Co., Ltd. via email ( Please mention (1) your inquiry is about the press briefing at the Foreign Press Center Japan, (2) your affiliation, and (3) your name in the email.



Ms. Yoshie Komuro, President of Work-Life Balance Co., Ltd.




If you have published an article, photo, or a program based on our press briefing report, please provide us with the (1) title of article(s) or product(s), (2) author’s name, (3) published/broadcast date of your report, and (4) a copy of or a link to your report (if available) via email ( cp[at] ).

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