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Date : July 30, 2024

Video Report: A Message for the Future as Atomic Bomb Survivors Grow Older(Mr. Seiichiro Mise)

post date : 2024.07.30

According to a study by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the number of hibakusha (atomic bomb survivors) in Japan at the end of March 2024 was 106,825 (a decline of 6,824 from the same time last year), with their average age now 85.58 years old, a 0.57 increase from last year. As the hibakusha continue to age, next year will mark 80 years since the atomic bombings of Japan.


The FPCJ invited Mr. Seiichiro Mise, an 89-year-old hibakusha who will be reading the Promise for Peace at this year’s Nagasaki Peace Memorial Ceremony on August 9, to describe his experiences during the atomic bombing when he was ten, at home 3.6 kilometers from ground zero, as well as his hopes for nuclear disarmament and his message for future generations.


The briefing was attended by journalists from Bangladesh, France, Russia, Spain, Swiss and Korea.


■Date: Tuesday, July 30, 2024, 14:00-15:30

■Theme: A Message for the Future as Atomic Bomb Survivors Grow Older

■Briefer: Mr. Seiichiro Mise

■Language: Japanese, with consecutive English interpretation




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