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Date : December 13, 2023

Video Report: Anime Tourism and Stimulating Local Economies—Trips to Locations from Anime Which Attract Fans from Around the World(Associate Professor Takeshi Okamoto, Department of Applied Sociology, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Human Studies, Kindai University)

post date : 2023.12.13

According to the Japan Tourism Agency’s recent announcement, the number of inbound travelers in October this year was 2,516,500, 0.8% above the number for October 2019, before the pandemic, which demonstrates the rapid recovery in demand for inbound tourism. During the pandemic, the popularity of Cool Japan content such as anime and manga remained high worldwide, and “pilgrimages” to sites related to various series, also known as “anime tourism,” is expected to be a factor in attracting even more inbound travelers in the future and stimulating local economies.


Dr. Takeshi Okamoto is an associate professor at the Kindai University Department of Applied Sociology Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Human Studies who specializes in tourism studies and “content tourism,” and he is very active in disseminating the results of his research, including having written many books on anime pilgrimages.


The FPCJ has invited him to discuss the state of businesses based on these pilgrimages, what it is about them that attracts fans both from within Japan and from overseas, and the economic and other positive effects they can have on pilgrimage sites, as well as their issues.


The briefing was attended by journalists from China, Korea, Singapore, Brazil  and France.


 Handout(Japanese Only)

■Date: Dec 13 (Wed), 2023, 10:30-12:00

■Theme: Anime Tourism and Stimulating Local Economies—Trips to Locations from Anime Which Attract Fans from Around the World

■Briefer: Associate Professor Takeshi Okamoto, Department of Applied Sociology, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Human Studies, Kindai University 

■Language: Japanese, with consecutive English interpretation


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