World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Japan Office
WIPO SME Symposium on 2 and 3 December 2021
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Japan Office will be organising an online symposium under the theme of “IP for Innovation in the Global Age”. The event will explore IP roles and strategies from perspectives of “global competitiveness”, “open innovation” and “SDGs”. As Japan is about to enter into the second decade since the enactment of Intellectual Property Basic Act, we stand at the juncture to revisit how IP has impacted individual company, industry and national economy, to share the experience and to be yet more creative to add value to IP in the post-pandemic era.
WIPO Japan Office hopes to bring to attention this important juncture and calls for SMEs to take part in this event. SMEs are the backbone of economic activities and their innovation is the key to further propel economic development. The need to optimise the use of intangible assets for the competitiveness and growth is increasingly becoming prevalent, regardless of where you are in the world.
This event will uncover IP-led-innovation and success stories both in Japan and abroad, explore technological advancements towards green future, and introduce tools that can bridge between SMEs and innovation partners. Innovators, entrepreneurs, industry leaders and intermediaries will join on this platform to discuss the challenges SMEs face, how IP can be better utilised and how IP strategy can drive the business forward.
The overview of the event is as follows:
Dates: 16.00 (JST) on Thursday 2 and Friday 3 December 2021
Platform: Online
Languages: Japanese and English (Simultaneous interpretation)
Programme Highlight
• Keynote Speech by Mr Hisamitsu Arai (Chairman of Intellectual Property Strategy Committee, Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
• Global SME Outlook Presentations by WIPO
• Revitalising IP in Japan by Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and leading IoT company
• Lessons from Canada: Building an Innovation Ecosystem by a Canadian IP expert
• Interview with Mr Heizo Takenaka (Professor Emeritus of Keio University, World Economic Forum Foundation Board Member, GII Advisory Board Member and others)
• IP and Environment by WIPO and WIPO GREEN partners
• IP for Global Advancement by leading global companies
• Panel Discussion -Starting Innovations in Japan-
For further details and registration, please visit our website at; https://www.wipo.int/sme/en/ne
World Intellectual Property Organization
Japan Office
URL: http://www.wipo.int/japan
e-mail: japan.office@wipo.int
Tel: 03-5532-5030
Mt. Fuji and Tokyo Skyline Credit: GETTYIMAGES/YONGYUAN
Globe hologram and digital graphs Credit: GETTYIMAGES/ISMAGILOV