Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG)
[TMG] Oct. 19 “TIME TO ACT FORUM 2023: Energy Decarbonization—Toward the Accelerated Implementation of Renewable Energy in Cities” 10:30am-12:00pm (JST)
Press release
PDF ver.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) cordially invites members of the media to the “TIME TO ACT Forum 2023: Energy Decarbonization - Toward Accelerating the Implementation of Renewable Energy in Cities.”
TIME TO ACT is a climate action movement aiming to accelerate climate actions through effective measures to achieve decarbonization.
The TMG continues to work together with cities, businesses and NGOs around the world to contribute to global decarbonization.
With the world simultaneously facing climate and energy crises, accelerating the roll-out of renewable energy in cities is of critical importance.
TIME TO ACT Forum 2023 brings together state, city and private sector representatives from around the world to discuss the latest measures and technologies, and how they can practically be applied in local contexts.
The conference will be livestreamed and can be viewed at the web address below:
We look forward to seeing you at the forum!
===== “TIME TO ACT FORUM 2023” Outline (planned) =====
Date and Time(Japan Standard Time): Thursday, October 19, 2023, 10:30 am-12:00 pm
Format: Hybrid in-person and online
Theme: Energy Decarbonization
-Toward the Accelerated Implementation of Renewable Energy in Cities-
10:30~10:35 Opening
10:35~10:40 Guest Speech
10:40~11:00 Keynote Speech
11:00~11:55 Panel Discussions
11:55~12:00 Closing
International Relations, Policy Planning Section, General Affairs Division, Bureau of Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan Government Email: S0000721@section.metro.