Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.
[Press Conference for Overseas Media] (Sixth) Update on the Status of the Discharge of ALPS Treated Water into the Sea and Decommissioning Work at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (TEPCO Holdings, Inc.)
On Monday, May 20, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. (TEPCO) will hold a press conference for foreign media at which the Chief Decommissioning Officer and the Chief Officer for ALPS Treated Water Management will give an update on the status of decommissioning work and the discharge of ALPS treated water into the sea at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.
During this sixth press conference (the fifth press conference was held in January 2024), TEPCO will give an update on the status of initiatives pertaining to decommissioning work and the FY2024 ALPS treated water discharge plan.
※This press conference is hosted by TEPCO and supported by the Foreign Press Center Japan (FPCJ).
※It will be an online "live-streamed" press conference via Zoom webinar with advance registration required. Participants will not be able to attend at the venue.
※In principle, this press conference is held for overseas media/journalists, but foreign embassy officials and FPCJ supporting members are also welcome to attend as observers.
10:20am-11:50am, Monday, May 20
■Topics covered:
・Status of initiatives pertaining to decommissioning work
・ALPS treated water discharge record and FY2024 discharge plan
Akira ONO
Chief Decommissioning Officer (CDO), President of the Fukushima Daiichi
Decontamination and Decommissioning Engineering Company (TEPCO)
Fellow, Chief Officer for ALPS treated water management, Fukushima Daiichi
Decontamination and Decommissioning Engineering Company (TEPCO)
Japanese (simultaneous English interpretation will be available for the briefing, and consecutive English interpretation will be available for the Q&A session)
■Application Deadline:
12PM (JST), Tuesday, May 14
■For the press:
To accommodate as many questions during the limited Q&A time, we would like to gather all questions in advance and share them with the briefer. Please send questions you have for the briefer and/or issues of concern to cp@fpcjpn.or.jp by 12PM (JST), Tuesday, May 14.
[Inquiries about the application process]
Foreign Press Center Japan, Public Relations & Strategy Division
(email: sc@fpcjpn.or.jp Tel: 03-3501-5251)
[All other inquiries]
Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc., Corporate Communications Office
(e-mail: inquiry-contact-us@tepco.co.jp Tel:03-6373-1111)