Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries G7 Press Office
Press Registration for Covering the G7 Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting in Miyazaki
Japan will chair and host the G7 Summit this year. In April 22 (Sat.)-23 (Sun.), as one of the Summit related ministerial meetings, G7 Agriculture Ministers' Meeting will be held at Miyazaki City, Miyazaki Prefecture (Seagaia Convention Center).
Due to the security reasons, all press representatives covering this event are required to be accredited and wear the press ID issued by Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (hereafter MAFF).
Please refer to the Press Registration Guideline and complete the press registration procedures by Monday, April 10.
If there is anything you are unsure of, please address any inquiries to the following.
* Press information kit will be distributed to the accredited press later.
* For more information, please visit the Ministry's website.
URL: https://www.maff.go.jp/e/
Inquiries about registration:
G7 Press Office
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Email: G7press@maff.go.jp
Inquiries about coverage:
G7 Press Office
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Kawakami / Fujimoto
Email: G7press@maff.go.jp
Other matters:
International Strategy Division
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Saito / Higashida
Email: G7press@maff.go.jp
G7 Agriculture Ministers' Meeting in Miyazaki
1.Schedule Saturday, April 22 & Sunday, April 23, 2023
2.Venue Seagaia Convention Center
Address : Hamayama Yamasaki-cho, Miyazaki City, Miyazaki, Japan 880-8545
Phone : +81-(0)985-21-1111
Website : https://seagaia.co.jp/index_
* A press tour of locations in Miyazaki is scheduled on Saturday, April 22.(tentative)
* Details of the above press tour will be provided in due course.
* The program below is subject to change.
* The schedule of bilateral meetings between Japan and other G7 delegations will be advised separately when it is finalized.
G7 Agriculture Ministers' Meeting in Miyazaki Program (tentative)
〇 Friday
21 April
Time │ Meeting │ Venue
To be advised │Delegations arrival │Sheraton Grande Ocean Resort
10:30 – 11:50│ Seminar (1) │Seagaia Convention Center
Toward Net zero and Circular economy with Sustainable Wood Use
13:30 – 15:00│ Seminar (2) │Seagaia Convention Center
For Building Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
16:00 – 17:20│ Seminar (3) │Seagaia Convention Center
Tackling the Climate Change with Innovations and Actions
18:20 – 18:55│ Tea Ceremony for HODs │Seagaia Convention Center
18:30(Door open)
19:00 – 20:30│ Welcome Reception for HODs & all participants│Seagaia Convention Center
22 April
Time │ Meeting │ Venue
To be advised │Bilateral Meeting │Seagaia Convention Center
10:00 – 10:35│G7 Agriculture Ministers' Meeting (AMM) │Seagaia Convention Center
10:35 – 11:05│HOD Exhibition Tour │Seagaia Convention Center
11:05 – 12:20│G7AMM (continued) │Seagaia Convention Center
14:15 – 17:25│G7AMM (continued) │Seagaia Convention Center
17:35 – 18:00│Family Photo │Seagaia Convention Center
To be advised │ Doorstop interview to Minister Nomura │Seagaia Convention Center
19:00 – 20:30│Official Dinner for HODs hosted by Minister Nomura│Seagaia Convention Center
23 April
Time │ Meeting │ Venue
09:00 – 10:40│G7AMM (continued) │Seagaia Convention Center
10:45 – 11:00│HODs Press Conference │Seagaia Convention Center
11:30 – 16:10│Field Trip │Miyazaki City
To be advised │Doorstop interview to Minister Nomura │Miyazaki City
■Press Registration
1. Press Registration
Press representatives who wish to cover the G7 Agriculture Ministers' Meeting in Miyazaki will be required to register in advance.
Please e-mail the below information to G7 Press Office.
Name of media
Media URL
The G7 Press Office will then refer you whether your application has been successful and will send the website for press registration.
Please be advised that telephone applications will not be accepted.
G7 Press Office
Email: G7press@maff.go.jp
2. ID Card Issue
Press members who have completed registration will be issued with a photo identification card at the venue. During the meeting period, you are required to wear this press ID to enter the press center and other facilities at the venue, so please wear it all times at the venue and other locations where you are covering.
Please pick up your ID card from the ID Center on the 1st floor of the Sheraton Grande Ocean Resort next to the Seagaia Convention Center.
Inquiries about registration:
G7 Press Office
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Tel: +81-(0)3-6738-6147
Email: G7press@maff.go.jp
■G7 Agriculture Ministers' Meeting in Miyazaki Press Registration Guidelines
Press registration for the G7 Agriculture Ministers' Meeting in Miyazaki is open only to those persons to whom at least one of the following conditions (1) to (6) apply.
(1) Editor, journalist, or photographer affiliated with a newspaper company or publishing house that has a third-class postal matter permit and publishes regular publications.
(2) Editor, journalist, or staff of a news or information website on the internet operated by a corporation.
(3) Production company, journalist and film crew producing television programs, including BS/CS/cable television.
(4) Production company, journalist and crew producing radio programs
(5) Writers, photographers, or camera operators who have concluded reporting outsourcing contracts with the aforementioned publishing editing/production companies
(6) Filming models or performers involved in reporting/program production
*Freelancers who are not affiliated with an organization should send an e-mail, attaching copies of the following:
(1) Article with your byline (published within the last six months (PDF, ≤2MB);
(2) Reference from a media organization, government agency, etc. (if available) (PDF, ≤2MB); and
(3) FCCJ Membership card (if member of the foreign media) (if available) (PDF, ≤2MB).
*Individuals operating blogs, social media, or other online media, advertising agencies, PR companies, analysts from survey companies and securities firms are not eligible for press registration.
*Registration of media representatives will be at the discretion of the G7 Agriculture Ministers'
Meeting in Miyazaki Preparations Office. Applications that are not included in the above Registration Regulations will be discussed separately by the Preparations Office.
*Press registration may be refused if it is determined that an application does not satisfy the Regulations. Please also be aware that the Preparations Office may refuse registration for other reasons.
G7 Press Office
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Email: G7press@maff.go.jp