Japan Foreign Trade Council, Inc., JFTC
[JFTC] New “SHOSHA Handbook 2022” ~ Towards Sustainability and Prosperity. ~, available online for free
JFTC publishes “SHOSHA Handbook 2022”
~ Towards Sustainability and Prosperity. ~
Japan Foreign Trade Council, Inc., JFTC (Chairman: KOKUBU Fumiya, Chairman- Marubeni Corporation) is pleased to announce the new release of “SHOSHA Handbook 2022” to help as many people as possible to understand the activities of the Shosha.
Under the theme of "Towards Sustainability and Prosperity," the handbook focuses on Shosha efforts to solve environmental and social issues and create new value through their business activities.
We hope that people involved in Shosha and those interested in the activities of Shosha will find it useful in a variety of situations.
JFTC’s “SHOSHA Handbook 2022” is available in an e-book at our website (https://www.jftc.or.jp/english/research/handbook/) for free.
Please contact us for any inquiries.
【SHOSHA Handbook 2022 Details】
● Release Date March 31, 2023
● Language English
● Contents
Chapter 1: What Are the Shosha?
1. The Strengths of the Shosha
2. The Shosha's Business Model
Chapter 2: The Shosha Are Active Worldwide
1. Working to Resolve Global Social Problem
2. Shosha Initiatives
Chapter 3: What JFTC Does
1. Japan Foreign Trade Council, Inc. (JFTC)
2. JFTC Kids☆Site
3. Action for a Better International Community (ABIC)
1. Regular Members of JFTC
2. The World Economy and Trade
【Inquiries】 Japan Foreign Trade Council, Inc. (JFTC)
Kasumigaseki Common Gate West Tower 20F, 3-2-1,
Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100–0013, Japan
Contact: Research Group (e-mail: chosa@jftc.or.jp)