[ICEF2024] Oct. 9-10 (Climate Change/Hybrid Int’l Conference): Featured Lectures and Speakers by World Leaders from Industry, Academia and Government
Press release
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The Japanese Government’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) will hold the 11th Annual Meeting of the “Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF2024) on October 9-10 (Wednesday-Thursday) at The Westin Tokyo, Japan as a hybrid event with online sessions.
This event is held each year as an international platform where world leaders from industry, academia and government gather under one roof for discussions aimed at promoting “innovation,” which is the key to measures to address the challenge of global warming. We cordially invite everyone to participate in this important event.
■Overview of the Forum
《Conference name》 11th Annual Meeting, Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF2024)
《Hosts》 Ministry of Trade, Economy and Industry (METI);
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
《Dates》 October 9 (Wednesday) and 10 (Thursday), 2024
《Venue》 The Westin Tokyo, Japan (address: 1-4-1 Mita, Meguro-ku, Tokyo)
(To be held as a hybrid event with online sessions.)
《Language》 English (with Japanese-English simultaneous translation)
《Participation fee》 No charge
《Official website》 https://www.icef.go.jp/
《Co-Hosts》 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan; Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Ministry of the Environment
《Institutional Partners》 International Energy Agency (IEA); BloombergNEF; United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO); International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
■Main Theme
How to Live within the Planetary Boundaries through Green Innovation
At this year’s ICEF, which is the 11th Annual Meeting in this series, we will discuss a wide range of issues, including planetary boundaries, climate stabilization technologies, food and agriculture, hydrogen readiness and sustainable marine transport based a shared recognition that “diversity is the origin of innovation,” focusing on the innovations necessary to advance toward achievement of carbon neutrality, as the world continues to confront a variety of difficulties.
■ Program and Speakers
For details concerning the individual sessions and speakers, please visit the official website of ICEF2024: https://www.icef.go.jp/
※Speakers and sessions are subject to change without notice.
〇Keynote Sessions
・Keynote 1
Johan Fredrik Rockström(Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Professor, Institute of Earth and Environmental Science at Potsdam University
Professor, Water Systems and Global Sustainability at the University of Stockholm)
・Keynote 2
Abdullah Bin Hamad Al Attiyah(Chairman, Abdullah Bin Hamad Al-Attiyah International Foundation for Energy and Sustainable Development;
Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Energy and Industry of Qatar)
SADAMORI Keisuke(Director, Energy Markets and Security,International Energy Agency)
Helle Kristoffersen(Member of the Executive Committee,President Asia, TotalEnergies)
・Keynote 3
Francesco La Camera(Director-General, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA))
○Plenary Session
・PL1 Planetary Boundaries and the Energy Transition
Johan Fredrik Rockström(Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research Professor, Institute of Earth and Environmental Science at Potsdam University Professor, Water Systems and Global Sustainability at the University of Stockholm)
KAWAMOTO Tohru(Principal Researcher, AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology))
ISHII Naoko(Special Presidential Envoy, The University of Tokyo;Director, Center for Global Commons;Professor, Institute for Future Initiatives)
Maja Groff(Convenor, Climate Governance Commission; Chair, Planetary Governance Program, The New Institute; Senior Treaty Advisor, Integrity Initiatives International)
・PL2 Innovative Finance
Hafez Ghanem(Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South;Nonresident Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution)
Amir A. Dossal(President and CEO, Global Partnerships Forum; Founding Commissioner, Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development; Former Distinguished Fellow, World Economic Forum Centre for Health and Healthcare)
Parminder Chopra(Chairman and Managing Director, Power Finance Corporation Limited)
KONISHI Satoshi(CEO, Kyoto Fusioneering Ltd.; Professor, School of Energy Science, Kyoto University; Chairman, Japan Fusion Energy Council)
Rachel Denae Thrasher(Researcher, Boston University Global Development Policy Center)
○Technology Session
・TS1 Climate Stabilization Technologies
YAMADA Hidetaka(Professor, Kanazawa University)
Holly Jean Buck(Associate Professor, University at Buffalo)
Simone Tilmes(Project Scientist Ⅲ, National Center for Atmospheric Research)
・TS2 Hydrogen Readiness
Roland Roesch(Director, IRENA Innovation and Technology Centre)
Shi Chen(Postdoctoral Researcher, Carnegie Science)
・TS3 Food and Agriculture
UKI Toshiharu(Director General, Agriculture and Food Technology Unit, Technology and Innovation Strategy Center, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO))
Thuy Thi Thanh Nguyen(Director General, Department of Science, Technology and Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; Editor-in-Chief, Vietnam Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development)
Joko Tri Rubiyanto(Youth Policy Board - Asia Pacific, World Food Forum (WFF);Food Project Consultant, RISE Foundation Indonesia)
Dejene Tezera(Director, Division of Agribusiness, UNIDO)
・TS4 Future of Nuclear Energy
IWATA Natsumi(Professor, Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University)
Jeff Waksman(Program Manager, US Department of Defense)
Jooho Whang(CEO, Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power)
Diane Melissa Jessica Cameron(Head of Division of Nuclear Technology Development and Economics, NEA (OECD))
SEKIGUCHI Mina(Managing Partner, Resonancia LLC; Non Executive Director, Penta Ocean Construction Company; Auditor, Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
・TS5 Sustainable Marine Transport
KAWAKITA Chiharu(Project Manager of Green Innovation Fund Project (Next-generation Ship Development), New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO))
YOKOYAMA Tsutomu(Executive Officer, NYK LINE)
Shu-Ling Chen(Director, Centre for Maritime and Logistics Management, Australian Maritime College, University of Tasmania;Associate Professor, Australian Maritime College, University of Tasmania)
Selma Brynolf(Researcher, Chalmers University of Technology)
○Special Session
・Special Dialogue on Net-Zero
Vaclav Smil(ICEF Steering Committee;Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Manitoba)
SAKANO Akira(ICEF Steering Committee; Representative Director, Zero Waste Japan;
Co-Founder, Green innovation; Director & CSO, ECOMMIT Co.,Ltd.)
Hoesung Lee(ICEF Steering Committee; Former Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC))
・ICEF Roadmap Project:Artificial Intelligence for Climate Change Mitigation 2.0
Alp Kucukelbir(Chief Scientist, Fero Labs; Adjunct Professor, Columbia University)
Mariah Carter(CEO, Lumora Technologies; Former Senior Data Scientist, NRG Energy, Inc.)
Michal Nachmany(Founder and CEO, Climate Policy Radar)
KUWAHATA Rena(Energy Analyst - Power System Transformation, International Energy Agency (IEA))
・Young Innovators
Shi Chen(Postdoctoral Researcher, Carnegie Science)
Mariah Carter(CEO, Lumora Technologies; Former Senior Data Scientist, NRG Energy, Inc.)
Joko Tri Rubiyanto(Youth Policy Board - Asia Pacific, World Food Forum (WFF);Food Project Consultant, RISE Foundation Indonesia)
■Press Registration deadline
October 2, 2024 (Wednesday) 17:00 (JST).
ICEF2024 Secretariat (c/o First Co., Ltd.)
e-mail : icef-media@mail.obo.bz