Citizens Council for the Hiroshima Summit
[Citizens Council for the Hiroshima Summit] Mar. 27-30: G7 Hiroshima Summit Junior Conference
We are holding the G7 Hiroshima Summit Junior Conference, with the objective of having youth, the world’s future leaders, deepen their understanding of global issues and related initiatives through thought and discussion with fellow youths from each G7 country, as well as grow a can-do spirit to tackle even major challenges.
We will create opportunities for media coverage during the program, so we would appreciate your participation.
1 Dates:
March 27th (Mon) to 30th (Thurs), 2023
※ We have held an orientation program of 4 online sessions beginning on February 25th (Sat), to insure fulfilling discussions and final reports during the conference.
2 Sponsor:
Citizens Council for the Hiroshima Summit
3 Participants
High school students who live in Japan but are originally from other G7 countries (excluding Japan) – 12 (2 from each country)
Japanese students living in Hiroshima Prefecture – 12
4 Program Schedule
Please refer to attachment 1.
5 Regarding media coverage
Those who wish to cover this conference must first apply to the Peace and Children Planning Promotion Division of the Citizens Council for the Hiroshima Summit by 17:00 on March 22nd (Wed). Apply by filling out and sending attachment 2 to the email address below. Media coverage applicants will be informed of further details at a later date, including meeting location, limits of coverage etc.
(Contact information) Citizens Council for the Hiroshima Summit
Peace and Youth Planning Promotion Division
Supervisors: Yamamoto, Okazaki, Muro
TEL:082-209-8515 E-mail:heiwa@hiroshima-
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Attachment 1
【Program Schedule 】
Date (Day of the week) Time (Scheduled) Contents ※Coverage permitted (○/×) Location
March 27th (Mon)
- Participants meet in Hiroshima City × Inside Hiroshima City
- Orientation × Inside Hiroshima City
March 28th (Tues)
09:00~09:15 Welcome Ceremony (Language: English) ○ International Conference
Center Hiroshima
09:20~10:30 Tour the Peace Memorial Museum ― Peace Memorial Park
and A-bomb Remains Exhibition Hall
10:35~10:55 Pay respects to victims of the ○ Peace Memorial Park
A-bombing, offer flowers
11:00~12:00 Listen to an A-bomb survivors testimony ○ Peace Memorial Museum
12:55~13:25 Visit Honkawa Elementary School × Honkawa Elementary
Peace Museum School Peace Museum
13:40~14:30 Tour Peace Memorial Park ○ Peace Memorial Park
15:00~15:20 Courtesy call with the Mayor of ○ Hiroshima City Hall
Hiroshima City
15:45~19:00 Group discussion (Language: English) ○ International Conference
(Partial) Center Hiroshima
March 29th (Wed) Split into 3 groups for tour/exchange
(Peace group)
10:00~12:00 ・Visit the Poison Gas Museum ― Okunoshima
・Tour the remains on the island ― Okunoshima
13:10~13:20 ・Courtesy call with the Mayor of ― Takehara City Hall
Takehara City
15:00~16:00 ・Kure City Mayor meeting 〇 Kure Miyahara Prefectural High School
・Exchange with Kure Miyahara 〇 Kure Miyahara Prefectural High School
Prefectural High School students
(Japanese leather paper coloring
experience, Dance Performance)
(Sustainability group)
09:00~10:30 ・Seifuu Shintou Biomass Power Plant ― Seiifuu Shintou Biomass
Power Plant
12:40~12:55 ・Osakikamijima Town Mayor courtesy call 〇 Osakikamijima Town Hall
13:10~14:10 ・Osakikaisei Prefectural High School ― Osakikaisei Prefectural High School
exchange (Kaidenma, Japanese Taiko Experience)
14:25~15:35 ・Tour of the R&D and Demonstration Base ― R&D and Demonstration
for Carbon Recycling at Osaki-Kamijima Base for Carbon Recycling
at Osaki-Kamijima
(Diversity group)
09:10~11:30 ・Kumano Town Mayor courtesy call × Fude no Sato Workshop
・Fude no Sato workshop tour × Fude no Sato Workshop
・Exchange with Kumano Prefectural 〇 Fude no Sato Workshop
High School students (10:00~)
(Brush performance, calligraphy
13:30~15:00 ・Exchange with international students ― Hiroshima University
at Hiroshima University Higashihiroshima Campus
15:15~16:45 ・Visit Higashihiroshima City Hall 〇 Higashihiroshima City Hall
(Lecture on Higashihiroshima City’s (Partial)
internationalization initiatives)
All groups gather in Higashihiroshima City
17:00~18:00 Visit Sake Brewery Street, and ○ Sake Street, Kamotsuru
the Kamotsuru Sake Brewery Company sake brewery
18:10~19:10 Group discussion, tour debrief session × Higashi Hiroshima Arts &
Culture Hall Kurara
19:10~20:10 ・Joint exchange with locals ○ Higashi Hiroshima Arts &
・Higashihiroshima City Mayor greeting Culture Hall Kurara
・Attractionss (Jiromaru Taiko, Sake Brewing Song)
March 30th (Thurs)
09:00~12:00 Group discussion × International Conference
Center Hiroshima
13:00~15:00 Joint discussion, combine reports × International Conference
Center Hiroshima
15:00~16:00 Present final reports (Language: English, ○ International Conference
with simultaneous interpreting) Center Hiroshima
※This program is conducted in English.
※Media coverage permission: If you wish to do media coverage of an item with this「―」mark, please fill it out in attachment 2.
Attachment 2
Apply to cover the 「G7 Hiroshima Summit Junior Conference」 via email (heiwa@hiroshima-summit2023.jp
【Contact information】Citizens Council for the Hiroshima Summit, Peace and Youth Planning Promotion Division
Supervisors: Yamamoto, Okazaki, Muro
■【Contact Information】
Company name 【 】
Participant name(representative) 【 】
Contact information
TEL:【 】
E-mail:【 】
■【Desired contents coverage】
Please put a circle 「○」next to the content you want to cover.
(This program is conducted in English.)
Date (Day of the week) Time (Scheduled) Contents Desired coverage
March 28th (Tues)
09:00~09:15 Welcome ceremony (Language: English) 【 】
10:35~10:55 Pay respects to victims of the A-bombing, offer flowers 【 】
11:00~12:00 Listen to an A-bomb survivors testimony 【 】
(a portion)
13:40~14:30 Tour Peace Memorial Park 【 】
15:00~15:20 Courtesy call with the Mayor of Hiroshima City 【 】
15:45~19:00 Group discussion (Language: English) (a portion) 【 】
March 29th (Wed)
(Peace group)
15:00~16:00 Kure City Mayor meeting 【 】
Exchange with Kure Miyahara Prefectural
High School students
(Sustainability group)
12:40~12:55 Osakikamijima Town Mayor courtesy call 【 】
(Diversity group)
10:00~11:00 Exchange with Kumano Prefectural 【 】
High School students
15:15~16:45 Visit Higashihiroshima City Hall (a portion) 【 】
All groups meet in Higashihiroshima City
17:00~18:00 Visit Sake Brewery Street, and the 【 】
Kamotsuru Sake Brewery Company
19:10~20:10 Joint exchange with locals 【 】
・Higashihiroshima City Mayor greeting
March 30th (Thurs)
15:00~16:00 Present final reports 【 】
(Language: English, with simultaneous interpreting)
Additional contents coverage
※Media coverage permission: If the additional item has this「―」mark, please write it here. If it has this「×」mark, media coverage is not permitted.
Information you fill out here will only be used regarding the management and contact of participants pertaining to the G7 Hiroshima Summit Junior Conference.
Citizens Council for the Hiroshima Summit
Peace and Youth Planning Promotion Division
Supervisors: Morioka
TEL:082-209-8505 E-mail:heiwa@hiroshima-