Japan Cultural Heritage Regional Cooperative Association
The Event Relay of Japan’s World Cultural Heritage Sites in 2020
In time for the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020, the areas with the world cultural heritages will cooperate to hold the events in succession utilizing their own world heritages through the year. The operation committee is formed mainly by the members of the world cultural heritage regional collaboration council (a general incorporated association) established in 2011. At this moment all 19 world cultural heritage sites in Japan are planning to participate in these events.
Date(2020) ・・Name of Event <Name of World Cultural Heritage>
-1/1・・・・・ New year event in Himeji Castle <Himeji-jo>
2/1-5/15・・・ World Heritage Cherry Blossom Relay <Nakijin castle (Okinawa) - Kagoshima - Shimabara -
2/6・・・・・・Oto Matsuri Festival (Kamikura shrine:Wakayama) <Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the
Kii Mountain Range>
March・・・・・Outdoor Concert at Daisen Park <Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group: Mounded Tombs of Ancient
3/20-5/31・・・Hidden Treasures of the Horyu-ji <Buddhist Buildings in the Horyu-ji area>
April- ・・・・Celebrating Five Years of World Heritage Sites of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution
5/3・・・・・・ Spring Fujiwara Festival <Hiraizumi>
June ・・・・・Special Simultaneous Firehose Discharge <Historic Villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama>
July・・・・・・Opening of Mt. Fuji to Climbing <Fujisan>
8/5-15・・・・ Tokae Festival <Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara>
8/6・・・・・・Hiroshima Peace Memorial <Genbaku Dome>
September ・・Concert at Tomioka Silk Mill <Tomioka Silk Mill and Related Sites>
10/1・・・・・ Miare Festival <Sacred Island of Okinoshima and Associated>
10/15-12/15・ Art aquarium in Nijyo castle <Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto>
10/29-30・・・World Heritage Summit in Okinawa <Gusuku Sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of
11-12/25・・・Silent Christmas in Hirado <Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region>
Japan Cultural Heritage Regional Cooperative Association
e-mail: ido-worldheritage@outlook.jp phone: (81) 090-3924-07416