Application Form for Assistance for Individual Reporting

Application Form for Assistance for Individual Reporting

Please choose one of the categories below:

Full name of journalist

Name of company/publication and its brief description (number of circulation, readers or viewers, covered area, etc.)

Brief career summary of journalist

* Press ID card issued by the employer or, in the case of freelancers, a letter of introduction by the contracting organization may be requested.

Email address

Telephone number

Period of reporting in Japan

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Planned subjects for reporting

Project proposal (Less than 5MB)

*If you have issues attaching a project proposal, please send it to ma[at]
*Please replace the “at” with “@” when you send the Email.

Names of persons or organizations to be interviewed/filmed

A list of specific questions for each interviewee

When planned articles/programs will be published/aired

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Information you would like (e.g. telephone number of specific company/introduction to an interpreter, etc.)


We request all journalists contact us after their articles, etc. have been published, and send us a copy of the content of their coverage, as a precondition for the assistance service. You agree to provide the following:
1. Copy of the content of the coverage: article, video, audio (in the case of radio). Any format can be accepted including paper, digital data, URL, etc.
2. Summary of the coverage in Japanese or English, when itis in a language other than English or Japanese.

*Please fill in all required fields.

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