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Date : July 29, 2019

Middle-aged Hikikomori—Current Situation, Issues, and Outlook (Prof. Tamaki SAITO, Tsukuba University)

post date : 2019.07.16

At the end of March this year, the Cabinet Office released the results of a survey that indicated there were a total of 613,000 middle-aged (40–64 years old) hikikomori [social withdrawal / recluse] and 541,000 hikikomori aged 15–39 years old in Japan (as of 2015). The most common reason to become hikikomori was losing their job, and one in three were found to be relying on their senior parents for financial support, demonstrating how severe the “8050 Problem” is. The 8050 Problem refers to people living in poverty when the parents are in their 80s and the hikikomori in their 50s. What kind of policies or support could deal with this problem of middle-aged hikikomori?


The FPCJ has invited Dr. Tamaki SAITO, a professor at Tsukuba University and a leading figure in the research and treatment of hikikomori, to discuss this issue. Dr. Saito has worked with hikikomori for over 30 years as a psychiatrist, and 20 years ago began warning about the situation that would arise due to aging hikikomori.

Date: July 29 (Mon), 2019, 10:30-12:00

Briefer: Dr. Tamaki SAITO, Professor, Tsukuba University

Place: Foreign Press Center Japan (6th fl., Nippon Press Center Bldg)

Language: Japanese (with consecutive English interpretation)

【Reservation required: 40 openings available】 Due to the size of the venue, please apply in advance.  


*Embassy representatives and FPCJ supporting members may also attend the briefing as observers (admission free).

  In principle, only one person will be accepted from each organization.
  If all openings have been filled, your application may be rejected.
  Please note that FPCJ will not reply to your application, unless NO openings are available.
  Thank you for your understanding.

*No car park is available. Please use a nearby car park if you come by car.

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