Press Tours (Reports)

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Date : August 25 - 26, 2014

Reports on Japan: Akita Press Tour “Passing on Unique Local Culture”

post date : 2014.10.23

In Akita Prefecture, many traditional arts and customs have been passed down through the generations and still exist to this day. At the same time, Akita is faced with population decline. The FPCJ held a press tour sponsored by Akita Prefecture that covered the passing on of unique local culture in Akita, and initiatives to deal with population decline and an aging population. This press tour had a total of ten participants from Taiwan, China, Bangladesh, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, and Brazil. 

- More details on the tour available here

- Reports on the tour available here


Below are some of the articles and programs produced by the journalists based on this press tour.



Xinhua News Agency(China/ News agency

September 4, 2014




Global Times (China/Newspaper)

September 4, 2014

日本老龄化问题日趋严重 村落甚至面“灭绝”危机



Dhaka Courier (Bangladesh/ Magazine )

September 18, 2014

Revitalizing rural life through art culture



The Central News Agency (Taiwan/ News agency)

October 12, 2014

日本秋田八木澤分校 廢校重生



Neue Zürcher Zeitung (Switzerland/ Newspaper)

October 21, 2014

Ohne Menschen keine Bräuche

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