Date : July 9 - 10, 2015
Report on Japan: Hiroshima Press Tour “70 Years After the War”
post date : 2015.09.11
The FPCJ and Hiroshima City jointly held a press tour to Hiroshima, with this year marking 70 years since the atomic bomb was dropped. Fifteen journalists from 11 countries and regions (the USA, Russia, France, China, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Spain, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore) participated in the tour.
In addition to interviewing the mayor and hibakusha (atomic bomb survivors), the tour also covered new efforts to pass on the memories of the bombing and unique local businesses that have grown along with Hiroshima after the war.
-Click here for tour details
-Click here for tour report
-Click here for real-time reports from during the tour
Below are some of the articles and programs produced by the journalists based on this press tour.
August 6, 2015 (TV broadcast and video on website)
Hiroshima Anniversary: Survivor Recalls Bombing 70 Years Later
USA TODAY (USA/Newspaper)
August 2, 2015
70 years after Hiroshima: Keeping survivors' tales alive
Frankfurter Allegemeine Zeitung (Germany/Newspaper)
August 6, 2015
Die Hölle auf Erden
Le Monde (France/Newspaper)
August 5, 2015
le combat des « hibakusha » contre l’oubli
AFP (France/News Agency)
(1) August 4, 2015 (video report distribution)
Atomic bomb still scars Hiroshima, seven decades later
(2) August 6, 2015
Flashback Hiroshima: Charred bodies, smell of burned flesh
Carried on Hindustan Times (India/Newspaper website)
Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (Switzerland/TV)
August 6, 2015 (TV broadcast and video on website)
Wir behandelten Brandwunden mit Frittier-Öl
Kristeligt Dagblad(デンマーク/新聞)
(1) August 3, 2015
Alle fredsbevægelsers mekka
(2) August 3, 2015
Begik USA en krigsforbrydelse i Hiroshima?
EFE (Spain/News Agency)
August 4, 2015 (video report distribution)
Supervivientes de Hiroshima, una vida para contarlo
Russia Today (Russia/News Agency)
(1) August 6, 2015
Свидетель бомбардировки Хиросимы: люди были похожи на призраков
(2) July 16, 2015
Ясухиро Аояма: Mazda не будет уходить с российского рынка
Central News Agency (Taiwan/News Agency)
July 31, 2015
原爆夢魘 倖存者奔走反核
联合早报 (Singapore/Newspaper)
(1) August 9, 2015
(2) August 9, 2015