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Date : January 23 - 28, 2014

Reports on Japan: Assistance for KAZINFORM, Kazakhstan

post date : 2014.03.25

Mr. Ruslan Suleimenov, chief correspondent in China office of KASINFORM, the biggest state-run news agency in Kazakhstan, visited Japan in January to cover Japan-Kazakhstan relations in the fields of  “Politics," "Economics" and "Energy."  FPCJ supported his coverage by arranging interviews.


His  articles based on the visit were carried in Kazinform.


Feburuary 4, 2014

Kazakhstan as significant player in the Global Uranium Market should develop Nuclear Energy - former Executive Director of International Energy Agency Nobuo Tanaka


Feburuary 10, 2014

На пути вхождения Казахстана в число 30-ти лучших стран мира огромную роль будет играть Назарбаев Университет - Японское агентство международного сотрудничества (JICA)  (Russian)


Feburuary 24, 2014

Toyota Fortuner assembled in Kazakhstan to meet Japanese standards - Toyota Motor Corporation

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