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Date : November 30, 2021

Video report: Will Increasing Managerial Resource Mobility and Innovation Be the Key to Japan’s Economic Revival? (Dr. Hiroshi Shimizu, Professor, Waseda University)

post date : 2021.12.01

With the growing need for innovation to bring about economic recovery and sustainable economic growth, the FPCJ has invited Dr. Hiroshi Shimizu, a professor at the Waseda University Faculty of Commerce who won the Schumpeter Prize this July, as a briefer. He is the second Japanese winner of this prize, the most prestigious prize in the field of innovation research.


From the perspective of people, goods, and money becoming fluid, he describes innovation that moves towards business opportunities outside of human control, as if alive, as having “gone feral.” Dr. Shimizu is known for his unique opinions on innovation, such as suggesting that although increased fluidity leads to easier innovation, it also has a “destructive side” as this also leads to increased unemployment and economic inequality.


What kind of innovation is necessary right now in order to revive the Japanese economy, what problems exist, and how can they be solved? Dr. Shimizu, a leading researcher in the field of innovation, discussed this topic.


The briefing had a total of 21 participants including journalists from China, France, Germany, Russia, and South Korea.




■Date: November 30 (Tue), 2021, 11:00-12:30

■Theme: Will Increasing Managerial Resource Mobility and Innovation Be the Key to Japan’s Economic Revival?

■Briefer: Dr. Hiroshi Shimizu, Professor, Faculty of Commerce, Waseda University

■Language: Japanese, with consecutive English interpretation


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