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Date : June 4, 2021

Video report: The Global Situation and Japan During the COVID-19 Pandemic—Ahead of the G7 Summit (Mr. Hitoshi Tanaka, Chairman of the Institute for International Strategy, JRI)

post date : 2021.06.03

In a communiqué released at the G7 Foreign and Development Ministers’ Meeting held in early May, China, Russia, and the COVID-19 pandemic were listed as the biggest threats currently facing the world. At the G7 Summit starting from June 11 in Cornwall, England, the main topics will include climate change, and financial aid to developing countries.


How will Japan cope with the post COVID-19 situations? The FPCJ invited Mr. Hitoshi Tanaka, Chairman of the Institute for International Strategy at the Japan Research Institute (JRI) and former Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, to discuss this topic ahead of the G7 Summit in Cornwall.   


The briefing had a total of 37 participants including journalists from China, Denmark, Germany, Russia, Singapore, and the UK.


Handouts (Japanese only)

[Reference material]

East Asia Insight (June 2021) : “Deepening US-Japan Strategic Cooperation on China and the Indo-Pacific”


■Date: June 4 (Fri), 2021, 14:00-15:30

■Briefer: Mr. Hitoshi Tanaka, Chairman of the Institute for International Strategy,

                   Japan Research Institute (JRI)  

■Language: Japanese, with consecutive English interpretation   


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