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Date : April 30, 2021

Video report: The Mysteries of Space Revealed by the Hayabusa2 (Dr. Makoto Yoshikawa, Mission Manager, Hayabusa2 Project Team)

post date : 2021.04.30

In December 2020, the Hayabusa2 space probe returned to Earth after a six-year odyssey, succeeding in bringing back even more samples than expected from the asteroid Ryugu. Currently, information on the samples (such as weight, color, size, and shape) is being recorded and catalogued to prepare for sample analysis to begin in earnest in June. It is expected that research using these first-ever samples from a C-type asteroid will help reveal unprecedented scientific mysteries.


The FPCJ once again invited Dr. Makoto Yoshikawa, the mission manager for the Hayabusa2 project and an associate professor at the JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, to discuss the current state of and future plans for the project, and what mysteries they hope to solve through their research.


The briefing had a total of 21 participants including journalists from Russia and the US.


Handouts (Japanese)

■Date: April 30 (Fri), 2021, 11:00-12:30

■Briefer: Dr. Makoto Yoshikawa, Mission Manager, Hayabusa2 Project Team

■Language: Japanese, with consecutive English interpretation 


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