Date : June 1, 2017
Video Report: Basic Policies for 2017 – Increasing Productivity Through Investing in Human Resources:Dr. Motoshige Itoh, Professor Emeritus (The University of Tokyo), Professor (Gakushuin University)
post date : 2017.06.01
The Basic Policies for Economic and Fiscal Management, guidelines for the government when drafting the budget and revising the tax system, are again expected to be decided by the Cabinet in June this year. The 2017 version includes increasing productivity through investing in human resources and reforming education.
The FPCJ invited Dr. Motoshige Itoh, a private sector member of the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy (chaired by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe) that organizes the Basic Policies, to provide an overview of the Basic Policies for 2017 and discuss the outlook for fiscal soundness.
The briefing had a total of 39 participants, including 9 journalists from France, Germany, South Korea and U.S.A..
・Briefer:Dr. Motoshige Itoh, Professor Emeritus (The University of Tokyo), Professor (Gakushuin University)
・Language: Japanese(with consecutive English interpretation)
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