3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake

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Date : March 7, 2018

Video report【Minister for Reconstruction】: Reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake after 7 Years

post date : 2018.03.08

Nearly seven years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident. The FPCJ invited Mr. Masayoshi YOSHINO, Minister for Reconstruction, who has made eliminating misconceptions through risk communication measures a key policy for 2018, to talk about the current situation of and future outlook for reconstruction.


The briefing had a total of 37 participants, including 22 journalists from China, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and UK.


Distributed Material: Reconstruction from Great East Japan Earthquake 

Click here for briefing text


- Date:  March 7 (Wed), 2018, 17:15-18:15

- Briefer:  Mr. Masayoshi YOSHINO, Minister for Reconstruction

- Language: Japanese (with consecutive English interpretation)



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