12: Energy
post date : 2013.08.28
<Links to the latest information>
Energy situation in Japan
Go to “Reports”, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
Go to “Brochures”, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
Go to “Energy & Electricity”, Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan
Electricity demand and supply
Go to “News”, Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan
Nuclear power generation
Go to “Nuclear”, Federation of Electric Power Companies in Japan
Major power plants in Japan
Go to “Location of Power Plants”, Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan
Energy situation by country/region
Go to “Statistics”, International Energy Agency
Nuclear power plants by country
Go to “Nuclear Power: Status and Outlook”, International Atomic Energy Agency
<Other useful information sources>
Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan