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Date : August 2, 2013

FPCJ Sets Themes for Transmission of information in 2013

post date : 2013.08.20

Main Theme: Japan’s approach to challenges facing the World




(1)Preparing for large-scale disaster in light of the lessons learned from 3.11. Efforts to reduce damage from disaster.

-The long road towards reconstruction without forgetting memories of the event. 
-Remaining risks – Follow-ups on Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant



(2)Revival of Japan ~starting from community level~ 

-Creation of sustainable cities: water, air, energy, public transportation, disaster prevention, crime prevention and waste management, etc. 
-Revival of primary sector, such as fishing and farming villages. (In response to globalization and declining birth rate and aging of population.) 



(3)Strengths of Japan ~advanced technology, high-standard quality and tradition~

-State-of-the-art technology: in the field of environment, energy, and medicine.
-Traditional culture: World heritage candidate sites, Japanese sake and cuisine 
-Value system (Service and social system): sincerity, attention to detail, strong community ties, discipline and patience 



※We will focus on the following genres in accordance with the topics:

-Women: approach on improving the position of women
-Youth: Choosing new work & lifestyle such as entrepreneur and social business enterprise
-Seniors: live happily and healthily in “90-year life period” and help local community -Foreigners who are active in Japan
-Japanese who are active overseas 


What’s happening in 2013:

・1-3 June: TICAD (Tokyo International Conference on African Development) 
・7 September: Host city to be chosen for 2020 Olympic games 
・International Year of Water Cooperation 

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