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Date : June 14, 2024

Public-Private Partnerships to Achieve 30% of Global Market Share for SDVs by 2030 (Mr. Takeru Ito, Chief, METI Manufacturing Industries Bureau Automobile Section Mobility DX Office/Mr. Shinpei Kato, CEO and CTO, Tier IV, Inc.)

post date : 2024.06.07

On May 24, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) announced a mobility digital transformation (DX) strategy aiming for Japan to have 30% of the global market share for *SDVs (software-defined vehicles). This strategy places a target of 30% market share for Japanese SDVs of those sold globally in 2030 and 2035, supporting this goal with public-private cooperation and other initiatives to encourage technological development for next-generation vehicles. American and Chinese automobile manufacturers have taken the lead in this field, but there is growing interest in whether Japanese manufacturers will be able to catch up and even surpass them.


The FPCJ has invited Mr. Takeru Ito, Chief of the METI Manufacturing Industries Bureau Automobile Section Mobility DX Office, and Mr. Shinpei Kato, CEO and CTO of Tier IV, Inc., to discuss the new strategy, the current state of development at startup companies, and issues they are facing.


*Software-defined vehicles (SDVs) are next-generation vehicles that, through continuous updates to their capabilities via the cloud, can enable more advanced driving functions and allow for the creation of new value not possible with existing vehicles. (Source: METI website, translation by FPCJ)


■Please note that you cannot physically attend this briefing, as it will be a Zoom webinar.


■Date: June 19, 2024 (Wed), 14:00-15:30 (Deadline for application: Noon, Tue, June 18)

■Theme: Public-Private Partnerships to Achieve 30% of Global Market Share for SDVs by 2030


Mr. Takeru Ito, Chief, METI Manufacturing Industries Bureau Automobile Section Mobility DX Office

Mr. Shinpei Kato, CEO and CTO, Tier IV, Inc

■Language: Japanese, with consecutive English interpretation

■Note: The video of this Online Press Briefing will not be uploaded on FPCJ web site.


As in our standard press briefings, there will be a Q&A session at the end.

*In principle, questions will only be accepted from members of the foreign press.

■Members of the Foreign Press:

Please send any questions for the briefer or topics you are interested in to by noon on Friday, June 17.

As there will only be a limited amount of time to ask questions during the briefing, we will collect questions and provide them to the briefer in advance.


■How to Apply: Please refer to the email  we sent.

*We will not be accepting applications by email.

*Embassy representatives and FPCJ supporting members may also watch the briefing as observers (admission free).

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