Press Briefings (Notices)

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Date : June 20, 2024

Towards a Tourism Nation—Increased Inbound Tourism, Tourism Issues, and Future Initiatives(Mr. Ichiro Takahashi, Commissioner, Japan Tourism Agency )

post date : 2024.06.06

With the demand for inbound tourism to Japan having quickly recovered after the COVID-19 pandemic, a new record of 5.3065 trillion yen in spending by foreign visitors to Japan was set in 2023. In March last year, the Japanese government established a Tourism Nation Promotion Basic Plan to set concrete goals for becoming a tourism nation, with goals for 2030 of 60 million foreign visitors to Japan and 15 trillion yen in spending, and efforts will be made to capture inbound tourism demand at every opportunity.


The FPCJ has invited Mr. Ichiro Takahashi, Commissioner of the Japan Tourism Agency, to discuss government policies to further expand inbound tourism as well as issues expected due to the rapid recovery of the number of foreign visitors to Japan, and future initiatives.



FPCJ supporting members and embassy representatives may also participate in the briefing as observers (admission free).

■Please note that you cannot physically attend this briefing, as it will be a Zoom webinar.


■Date: June 20 (Thu), 2024, 14:00-15:30 (Deadline for application: Noon, Wed, June 19)

■Theme: Towards a Tourism Nation—Increased Inbound Tourism, Tourism Issues, and Future Initiatives

■Briefer: Mr. Ichiro Takahashi, Commissioner, Japan Tourism Agency

■Language: Japanese, with consecutive English interpretation


As in our standard press briefings, there will be a Q&A session at the end.

*In principle, questions will only be accepted from members of the foreign press.

■Members of the Foreign Press:

Please send any questions for the briefer or topics you are interested in to by noon on Thursday, June 13.

As there will only be a limited amount of time to ask questions during the briefing, we will collect questions and provide them to the briefer in advance.

Embassy representatives and FPCJ supporting members may also watch the briefing as observers (admission free).


■How to Apply: Please refer to the email  we sent.

*We will not be accepting applications by email.


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