Press Briefings (Notices)

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Date : May 31, 2023

The Situation in Ukraine and Japan, the current state and the future outlook (Dr. Atsuko Higashino, University of Tsukuba)

post date : 2023.05.19


It has been one year and three months since the beginning of the military invasion of Ukraine by Russia, which is a serious threat to world peace and security, and has led to an international energy crisis and soaring food prices. While there is still no clear way to end the invasion, Prime Minister Kishida visited Ukraine this past March and as the G7 chair and a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, Japan intends to appeal more broadly to the international community for solidarity and support for Ukraine. How should the international community move toward a lasting and just solution, and what role can Japan play in this situation?


FPCJ has invited Dr. Atsuko Higashino, a professor at the University of Tsukuba, an expert on European international politics and who has been actively commenting on the Russian invasion of Ukraine in the media, to discuss this topic.


■Please note that you cannot physically attend this briefing, as it will be a Zoom webinar. 

■Date: May 31 (Wed), 2023, 11:00-12:30 (Deadline for application: Noon, Tuesday, May 30)
■Theme: The Situation in Ukraine and Japan, the current state and the future outlook

■Briefer: Dr. Atsuko Higashino, Professor, Graduate School of Business Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba

■Language: Japanese, with consecutive English interpretation


As in our standard press briefings, there will be a Q&A session at the end.

*In principle, questions will only be accepted from members of the foreign press.


■Members of the Foreign Press:

Please send any questions for the briefer or topics you are interested in to  by 16:00  on May 29.

As there will only be a limited amount of time to ask questions during the briefing, we will collect questions and provide them to the briefer in advance.


Embassy representatives and FPCJ supporting members may also watch the briefing as observers (admission free).


■How to Apply: Please refer to the email  we sent.

*We will not be accepting applications by email.

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