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Date : April 14, 2014

Report (Press Briefing): Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology (April 14, 2014)

post date : 2014.04.15

ap14The Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology, replacing the Three Principles on Arms Exports and Their Related Policy Guidelines, were newly adopted on April 1. FPCJ invited speakers Mr. Takehiro Kano, Director of the National Security Policy Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Mr. Jun Kazeki, Director of the Security Export Control Policy Division of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.


In the briefing, Mr. Kano and Mr. Kazeki explained the following three principles: 1. Clarification of cases where transfers are prohibited, 2. Limitations on cases where transfers may be permitted with strict examination and information disclosure, 3. Ensuring appropriate control regarding extra-purpose use or transfer to third parties. They also referred to the “Implementation Guidelines for the Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology”.


Several questions were raised by the journalists including the impact on industry, procedures for international joint development, and the definition of countries party to a conflict with which transfers would be prohibited.


The Japanese language session was attended by nine journalists from China, the ROK, the UK and the US. The English language session was attended by six journalists from France, Qatar, the ROK, Switzerland, the UK and the US.


News release about the three principles:

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is here.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs is here.

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