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Date : February 2, 2018

Video report: Development and Implementation of Nursing-Care Robots (Dr. Hirohisa Hirukawa, Director, Robot Innovation Research Center, AIST)

post date : 2018.02.05

Over 25% of Japan’s population are seniors. With the population structure changing rapidly in recent years due to a declining birthrate and aging population, and the lack of workers and heavy labor involved in the nursing-care industry, development and adoption of robots for use in nursing care has been progressing.


The FPCJ invited robotics expert Dr. Hirohisa Hirukawa, Director of the Robot Innovation Research Center at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), to discuss the front line of nursing-care robot development and implementation. 


The briefing had a total of 36 participants, including 23 journalists from China, France, Germany, India, Singapore, South Korea, USA,etc and 6 embassy representatives.


           Distributed Material: Development and Implementation of Nursing-Care Robots

*NOTE: Please do not use the pictures from the materials distributed for this briefing in your articles,                etc. If you would like to use these pictures, please contact the PR department of each                            company directly.


- Date: February 2 (Fri), 2018

- Briefer: Dr. Hirohisa Hirukawa, Director, Robot Innovation Research Center, AIST

- Language: Japanese (with consecutive English interpretation)



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