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Date : April 28, 2016

Video Report: G-Science Academies Policy Recommendations to PM Abe (Science Council of Japan President Takashi Onishi and Vice President Keisuke Hanaki)

post date : 2016.05.02

Since 2005, national and regional science academies of the G7 and other countries have met annually at G-Science Academies’ meeting, where they discuss varying topics each year to develop joint statements of policy recommendations to be delivered to the leaders of each country.


Participants in these meetings include Science Council of Japan, the National Academy of Sciences (USA), and the Royal Society (UK), and some of the statements of the year have been discussed at that year’s G7 summit.


The joint statements developed at the G-Science Academies meeting held in February this year, hosted by Science Council of Japan, was delivered on April 19 to Prime Minister Abe, the chair of the G7 Ise-Shima Summit.  The FPCJ  invited Prof. Takashi Onishi, and Prof. Keisuke Hanaki, the president and vice-president of Science Council of Japan, to speak about the joint statements (English only).





Distributed Materials:  

(1)Slides shown at the briefing 

(2)Press Kit_Joint Statements of G Science Academies 2016

(3)Three Joint Statements of G Science Academies 2016


Date: April 28 (Thu), 2016

Briefer: Science Council of Japan President Takashi Onishi and Vice President Keisuke Hanaki



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