Press Briefings (Reports)

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Date : April 26, 2013

Report (Press Briefing): The Impending Visit of Prime Minister Abe to the Middle East (April 26, 2013)

post date : 2013.08.21

Prior to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s visit to Russia, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Turkey from April 28 (Sun) to May 4 (Sat), FPCJ invited Dr. Makio Miyagawa, Director-General, Middle Eastern and African Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to talk about this visit. 


“Prime Minster Abe visited Middle Eastern countries as prime minister six years ago. In this visit, he is going to follow up various proposals made at the previous visit” Dr. Miyagawa forecasted. In particular, he explained the development of cooperative economic relations in such fields as energy between Japan and the Middle East region, and also Japan's cooperation in the field of political stability and human resources development 
in the Middle East. 


A total of 30 persons including Tokyo-based journalists of Dutch, Russian, Turkish, and American media, and embassy representatives, gathered to attend the briefing. Questions about nuclear technology exports to Turkey were raised by the journalists.

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