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Date : February 8, 2017

Video report: Energy in Japan—Outlook and Issues (Dr. Takeo Kikkawa, Professor, Tokyo University of Science Graduate School of Innovation Studies)

post date : 2017.02.09

This year (2017) will mark three years since the formulation of the first Strategic Energy Plan after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident. It is expected that the plan will be revised this year, and a major point of interest will be the issue of the energy mix, including what the ratio of nuclear power will be with most nuclear plants not operating since the accident. After the electricity deregulation last year, in April this year a complete deregulation of the city gas retail market will begin. 


With these major changes affecting energy in Japan, the FPCJ has invited Dr. Takeo Kikkawa, a professor at the Department of Management of Technology (MOT), Tokyo University of Science Graduate School of Innovation Studies, to discuss the outlook and issues for energy in Japan. As an expert in the energy industry, he was a member of the Japanese government advisory committee when the energy mix was last decided. 


The briefing had a total of 50 participants, including 17 journalists from USA, France, Germany, China, etc., and 25 embassy representatives.


Distributed Material: Energy in Japan


- Date:  February 8 (Wed), 2017

- Briefer: Dr. Takeo Kikkawa, Professor, Department of Management of Technology,

                    Tokyo University of Science Graduate School of Innovation Studies 

               Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo and Hitotsubashi University

- Language: Japanese (with consecutive English interpretation)



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