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Date : November 30, 2018

Video report: EVs’ Fast Charging Protocol CHAdeMO – Development w/ China for Global Standard (Mr. Makoto Yoshida, CHAdeMO Assoc. Secretary General/Nissan Motor Corp. General Manager)

post date : 2018.11.30

The CHAdeMO Association is promoting the adoption of the Japanese-developed CHAdeMO protocol for fast charging of electric vehicles. At the end of August this year, they announced a memorandum of understanding with a Chinese industry organization on sharing the same next-generation protocol.


The CHAdeMO Association plans to decide in 2020 on a high-power standard usable for buses and trucks as well as passenger vehicles, and if Japan and China shared a standard it would account for over 90% of the market, making it likely to become a global standard for electric vehicle chargers.


The FPCJ invited Mr. Makoto Yoshida, Secretary General of the CHAdeMO Association and General Manager at Nissan Motor Corp., to speak about the current situation of joint development with China towards the creation of a global standard, and the future outlook. Established in March 2010, the CHAdeMO Association has 406 member organizations from 41 countries, with members including charger and electric vehicle manufacturers, power companies, local governments, and research institutes.

The briefing had a total of 17 participants including journalists from China, U.K., and U.S.A.

[Handout] CHAdeMO briefing


- Date: November 30 (Fri), 2018

- Briefer: Mr. Makoto Yoshida, Secretary General of the CHAdeMO Association

               (General Manager at Nissan Motor Corporation)
- Language: Japanese (with consecutive English interpretation)


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