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Date : October 31, 2014

Video Report (Press Briefing): Japan’s Suicide Problem: Current Situation and Necessary Measures (October 31, 2014)

post date : 2014.11.05

Although the number of suicides in Japan is decreasing, there are still more than 27,000 suicides annually. Japan’s suicide rate is the highest of the G7 nations, and in the last few years the youth suicide rate has stayed at noticeably high levels. In response to this situation, the Japanese Society of Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Policy-Making was formed on September 7 for support groups, researchers and the government to collaborate on new initiatives for suicide prevention and support.


The FPCJ has invited Mr. Yasuyuki Shimizu, the representative of Lifelink Suicide Prevention and Support Center and one of the founders of this society, to discuss the context and current situation of suicide in Japan, as well as measures to deal with the issue. The briefing had a total of 15 participants, including 11 journalists from China, France, Germany, Indonesia, ROK, the US, and Vietnam.





Mr. Yasuyuki Shimizu, Representative of Lifelink

※Please click HERE to learn about the Lifelink (Japanese only).

※Please click HERE for the presentation material at the briefing.

※Please click HERE for an outline of the Japanese Society of Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Policy-Making (distributed at the briefing).



[For reference]

 ・WHO's report "Preventing Suicide: A global imperative"

・WHO's suicide rate map (2012)

Statistics of suicide in Japan (Japanese only)

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